Microsporidiasis (Cotton Shrimp Disease)

Microsporidiasis (Cotton Shrimp Disease)

Cause: The Microsporidia of the genera Thelohania, Nosema and Peistophora

Bio - Ecology Pathogens
• Named as cotton shrimp disease and / or shrimp milk.
• Having more than 8 spores in each capsule
• Virtually all penaeid shrimp species was reported the least susceptible to infection one type of parasite microsporidia group, although there are indications of specific local

• low pathogenicity, prevalence rates in a population generally not more than 5% and the resulting mortality was also relatively low

Clinical symptoms:
• Parts of the body of infected shrimp white milk and more soft
• white spores spread on the meat / muscle (internal parasites)
• Shrimp weak, easy to stress, decreased appetite, making it easy prey to predators sluggish, and easily die after handling (handling)

• Visual observation of behavior and clinical symptoms are quite clear
• Microscopic observation to see the morphology of microsporidia by making preparations for review of target organ infection. The observation that more clear on the characteristics of spores required specific staining.

• disinfection, drying of pond bottom and water sources that are free of microsporidia
• Shrimp are infected immediately destroyed, in order to reduce the potential for horizontal transmission
• To cut the parasite's life cycle, avoiding the feeding of trash fish infected with microsporidia
• No chemicals are effective for preventing and / or treat diseases microsporidiasis.

source: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia, Director General. Aquaculture, 2010

breeding discus fish - basic information on fish spawning

Discus fish is better known as the king of freshwater fish, this fish came from the Brazilian Amazon jungle. Discus classified in the genus Synphysodon Cichilidae family. This fish was first identified in 1840 by a ichtyologist (similar to the undergraduate fisheries) Austrian named Dr. Johann Jacob Heckel. In the early days it was identified four types of discs, namely: 1. Heckel Discus (Symphysodon Discus Heckel), a characteristic that distinguishes it from other discus is fifth vertical black bars on its body is thicker than the other. 2. Brown Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciata axelrodi), characteristics of these discs is to have a dominant color from yellow to brown lemerahan. Bluish color stripes are sometimes cut from head to half his body, but most shades of the line is just decorate the front and the ends of the fins. 3. Green Discus (Symphysodon aequifisciata aequifisciata), the body of this disc has a pale greenish brown color base is decorated with red spots that spread through his body. 4. Striated Blue Discus (Symphysodon aequifisciata haraldi), has a brownish body with longitudinal stripes decorated blue.

For more details, systematic discus red eagle as follows: Order: Percomorphidei Suborder: Percoidea Family: Cichidae Genus: Symphysodon Species: Symphysodon aequifisciata aequifisciata
            Price of seed and stem discs are still quite expensive. Parent who is incubating the average price of 50-100 USD per pair. While the price of seed depends on its size. Seed size of a coin worth  4-5 USD. 

Discus spawning
A. Prospective Parent Care
            To be prepared in advance discus spawning tank with a capacity of 135 liters or panjnag measuring 80 cm, width 40 cm, and 40 cm high. Parent of the selected candidate must be healthy, well-organized side, the fin is not disabled, rounded body shape, natural movement no shooting or too slow and fairly prominent eyes are not bulging out. Discus fish would reach sexual maturity after the age of nine months. Female discus will reach maturity faster than the male gonads. At the age of 9 months had a female discus to produce eggs while the males can fertilize an egg at the age of 12-14 months. At the age of 9 months in the development of normal tesebut discus can reach the size of 5 inches. In the treatment of broodstock feeding can be done 3 times a day with silk worms or mosquito larvae.
B. Parent Selection
            To be able to distinguish the sex of the discus, the parent of the selected candidate should come from the same place and maintained jointly. Male and female differences can be seen as follows: 1. Male - Upper lip more prominent than the lower lip - Has a nose that looks a bit crooked - Body color brighter and brighter - Have a larger body shape - Has a more rounded shape of the genital organs with a length of about 1.5 mm - Dorsal and anal fin is longer and tapered - More reflex movement 2. Female - Has a lip that is symmetrical, equal between the upper and lower lip - Has a nose that looks straight - Somewhat pale body color - Have a smaller body than the male - Has a genital organ that looks somewhat oval with blunt ends and 3 mm long reach - The dorsal and anal fins are rounded.

C. Preparation Spawning Aquarium which will be used in breeding should be placed in a closed room and dark. This is done by looking at the nature of the disc that requires a peaceful environment. Should the spawning tank is placed at a height of 120 cm from the floor. Preparation is the first in the discus breeder is a cleaning tank that will be used, moss-lichen attached to the glass aquarium scrubbed clean and disinfected by using a solution with low-dose PK. Location of the aquarium should be in the field of the flat, after that try to enter the water is clean water that is used instead of piped water. The height of water in the tank should be 3 cm below the tank lip, this is done to avoid spillage of water that moves somewhat keras.s Discus After the tank filled with water, insert the necessary tools such as a tool in the form of egg penempel paralon pipe measuring 4 inches. Tools penempel these eggs should be placed in the center tank. Setelahs penempel tool egg, insert the hose clean aerator with a given ballast. The next step is emmasang thermostat. To complement the breeding Discus, the red neon lights should be provided 10 watts. Parent who has grown up and in pairs included in the aquarium's pair by pair, in which the transfer is done 2 months before the parent-parent will be in production. Replacement of water is very important in preparation for breeding Discus as it would be helpful in improving appetite able to finalize a disc so that the egg faster. To replace the water tank should be done every single week by removing the water by ¼ section.
D. Spawning Processes
            Parent discus will spawn it's time to find a place which he considers suitable place to spawn, in 3 to 10 days and then usually the marriage began to take place. It was marked by the commencement of the ritual dance. At the time the discus body color will look very intense, full of fluffy fins, and eyes look bright. On the sidelines of the dance if it has been found nesting places such as PVC pipes, flower pots, broken tiles, or ceramic. Parent discus will clean substrates are thoroughly clean. Once deemed clean enough, will discus pair began laying eggs. Symptoms can be seen with the release of genital organ and did a vertical movements along the substrate. After the first egg is laid., Discus males will fertilize it. This process is done continuously in turn, this entire process can last for several hours. The eggs are laid in yellow to reddish-colored substrate, the amounts vary. Parent females generally produce 150-400 eggs eggs.
E. Hatching Egg
            After the spawning is over, the couple kept the discus will direct its eggs. They will be fanning the eggs with the pectoral fins to prevent any dirt or mold spores are attached. During guard the eggs until they hatch, the parent discus can eat their eggs. This will be done when they feel disturbed. If they instinctively decided to clean the eggs from the dirt they will lift the egg by eating it. Given these should in cultivating discs, eggs and caged substrate using woven wire so that the parent can not reach them but still can guard. Wire is left until the eggs hatch. The eggs hatch temperature required ranges from 300 C. Usually hatching in the aquarium can reach 50-95%. Discus eggs will hatch within 48-60 hours after fertilization. Following the development of egg to be a seed: 1. The first 40 hours
            At this stage the eggs began to show its development from initially transparent yellow to red black spots began to appear right in the middle. Black spots are the spots on the eye, this indicates that the egg is fertilized properly. Eggs are not fertilized will remain transparent color which will then turn white and then rot. At this stage the eggs in critical condition because it is very susceptible to fungal attack. 2. The first 52-55 hours
            At this stage the eggs hatch. Initially the egg shell will close, then larvae are fully developed will make subtle movements such as vibrations, penetrate the egg shell membrane. At this stage the larvae seen sticking out and moving with motile. These larvae remain attached to the substrate. 3. Fourth day
            On the fourth day has seen progress on larval growth, they appear larger than the previous section attached to the substrate was living his head only. At this stage, though limited holding discus cage succeeded in removing the larvae either partially or entirely. Generally they would choose a place which was considered to be safer for these larvae. Foam sponge filters or glass in the rear tank to mesnjadi substrate to move the larvae. 4. Fifth day
            On the fifth day, larval activity is increasing. Before the fifth day they stuck to the substrate in a neat position but now they seem to pile up and the occasional thrown from swimming for compounds with a chaotic motion. At this stage of parent discus will be busy collecting larvae and return it to their collection. 5. Sixth Day
            At this stage larvae are strong enough to swim free. Starting with a two-tail began to experiment until the split second they were simultaneously flying from the substrate to the parent body. Parent discus readily welcome these larvae, and led him to remain in their sektar. This is when they begin to feed their first taste of mucus from the parent body.
F. Marriage Rules There are several lines of marriage that can be taken to get a quality disc such as:
1. Cross-breeding
 Cross-breeding is often referred to interbreed. Usually used two different types of discs with their respective advantages. Body shape, style and color patterns, and other advantages. The first generation of this intercross will result in the discus with a diverse appearance. In the first generation has not achieved the stability of the gene. 2. Inbreeding Inbreeding is inbreeding. This means that discs from one seedling were mated with each other. However, after several generations of inbreeding should be stopped because it can cause a weakening of quality genes. This is indicated by the increasing percentage of defective puppies, weakening the immune system, slowing gonadal maturation, and kerdilnya growth. 3. Line-breeding Used to direct a gene expression in the desired direction so that the gene will get stronger. How dalah by mating the discus with an individual from one of the previous generation such as lane lines grandfather or father. 4. Outbreeding It is the methods used to strengthen the strain that has no risk ampan weaken as the inbreeding. The trick is to marry one type of strain with the same strain but from different paths such as paths cousin. In this way, genes in these strains will be maintained pure.

maintenance  seed
After finishing move her children to a safer place, the parent will take care of with great affection. With gerakkannya to fan her son causing the dirt on his body to be removed. This movement can cool the seeds of the disc and provide the necessary oxygen. Discus seed can be left with their mother until the age of 14-20 days. After four days along with endless yolk discs are usually the children are strong enough to migrate. They will be clustered around the parent company. To feed provided by its parent in the form of mucus coming out of the parent body. Mucus in the whole body will thicken discs, this mucus is a highly nutritious food.

discus fish picture - sexing super red san

red so...macth
red so...beauty
red so...hot
and red so... popular

External parasites-discus fish disease

External parasites come in many types and I am unsure of exact species. However, I have found by symptoms, that there are differences and different medications are required. Basically I have two main medications for use for external parasites.

Jungle Labs 
Jungle Labs Parasite clear which I use for fish that are scratching themselves on objects in the tank. I believe this to be skin fluke and use this drug for anything I feel requires mild treatment. Dosage is one tablet for every 40 litres of tank water, repeating two weeks thereafter.

Gill fluke
Gill fluke is a common disease in Discus and is worth mentioning separately to other external parasites. In adult Discus, it is usually associated with heavy breathing, however, in fry it causes much greater problems.
Discus with diagnosed gill flukes
When young Discus get to around 10 cent piece size, gill fluke may become a problem. The parents carry gill flukes in small amounts all the time and if the parents are left with the babies too long, after free-swimming, then the parents can pass them on to the babies. The classic symptoms are heavy breathing, and erratic swimming as though the fish has been bitten on the gill by something inside. This can be accompanied by a spasm and sudden paralysis resulting in the fish sinking motionless to the bottom. This condition seems to be brought on by overcrowding and high feeding rates associated with raising the fry, and can be avoided sometimes by spreading the fry out as they grow.
Gills with gill flukes, microscope photo
image souce from : http://www.jbl.de

discus fish profile...

Scientific Name : Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Common Name : Discus, Cobalt Discus, Blue Discus, Blue Faced Discus, Blue-Head Discus, Red Thunder Discus, Blue Red Turquoise Discus, Marlboro Red Discus, Pigeon Blood Discus, Green Discus, Brown Discus, Snake Skin Discus, Spotted Strawberry Discus
Family: Cichlidae
Species Type: South American Cichlids
Maximum Size: 6 inches
Life Span: 16 years
Natural Habitat: Amazon lakes and rivers
Minimum Tank Size: 40 gallons
Tank Region: All over
Possible Tank Mates: Does best in discus only tanks

Discus fishes are large cichlids that have been appreciated by aquarists since the 1920\'s and there are several different Discus cichlids to choose among. The Discus derives its name from its body shape. This fish have a strong lateral compression and the body is nearly circular. The eyes of a Discus are usually deep red. Discus fish are colorful fishes and you can enhance their coloration further by feeding them a suitable diet. If you feed your Discus a lot of brine shrimp, any red coloration will usually be increased. All Discus variants originate from the Amazon region in South America. They prefer lakes, deep puddles and smaller rivers and streams. The water in this region is acidic and you should therefore provide your Discus with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5. It is also important that you keep the water in the aquarium soft, 0-3dH is recommended. Discus cichlids like to stay in the shadow during the day and the ideal water temperature in the aquarium is 25-29°C (77-84°F). Discus cichlids are not very competitive and if you place them in the same aquarium as more assertive fish species, e.g. Angelfish, your Discus might be without food and starve or suffer from malnutrition. More docile species are therefore recommended as tank mates. Keeping several Discus cichlids together is a very good idea since Discus cichlids feel more at ease when in a group. A small group consisting of 6-8 specimens is ideal if your aquarium is large enough. You can also keep Discus with schooling fish, e.g. characins, since their presence will have a calming effect on the Discus. It should however be noted that Discus can consider smaller fish as food if it has not been brought up together with small fish. The Blue Discus (Symphysodon aequifaciatus haraldi) is also known as and Turquoise Discus. A Blue Discus with strong blue lines is called Royal Blue Discus. A Red Royal Blue Discus will have red markings in addition to the blue ones. The Blue Discus variants can reach a size of 15 centimeters (6 inches). The Green Discus (Symphysodon aequifaciatus aequifaciatus) has turquoise and blue markings on its head and upper body. The anal and dorsal fin is also turquoise. The Green Discus will reach the same size as the Blue Discus. The Brown Discus (Symphysodon aequifaciatus axelrodi) will also stay at a size of 15 centimeters (6 inches). Its body is brown or yellowish brown. The Heckle Discus (Symphysodon discus) is commonly referred to as just “Discus”. It is sometimes also sold as Pompadour Fish. It will grow larger than Blue, Green and Brown Discus and a size of 20 centimeters (8 inches) is not uncommon. The Heckle Discus is also more complicated to keep than the Blue, Green and Brown Discus variants. Even advanced aquarists consider the Heckle Discus to be a challenge, since this discus is very sensitive to changes. Even small changes or tiny amounts of pollutants can weaken the Heckle Discus and make it unable to withstand diseases

Breeding Information: Can be very hard. Use pH of 5.5-6.5 and a higher temperature of 28-31°C. The eggs are laid on carefully cleaned stones. DO NOT remove the parents after the eggs are laid as the fry feed on secretions from the parents slime coating.

Sexing Information: The genital papilla is pointed in males, and rounded in females. You have to observe them when they are spawning.
Diet: Carnivorous - feed live foods such as blood worms or tubifex worms. Some frozen food that is high in protein is also acceptable.
Temperment: Peaceful schooling fish that can be skittish.
Common Diseases: Prone to parasite infections.