discus fish disease - the kinds of common diseases that attack the discus

All ornamental showcase fish are prone to disease and tackling them is a delicate and difficult affair. Specially, since the discus fish are from the South American tropical soft waters of the Amazon with very little water plants where the environment is maintained by the tropical rains, and thrive by living in the forest areas where the vegetation is dense with plants and other vegetation carried by the flood waters, they are found to be very delicate and are easily afflicted with disease even if there is a slight change in the climatic conditions. It could be said that some of the diseases encountered by the discus fish are treatable while some need not be treated. The fish recover in the natural course. Some of the diseases or conditions that afflict the discus fish are discussed below.

The discus fish needs to be housed in very large tanks with very clean water and ample space for them and their co-inhabitants to move around freely. The temperature should be maintained as per the requirement. If there is any change in these conditions the fish become unhappy which is immediately revealed by their bright colors becoming dark or even black. They then will refuse feed and their breathing becomes faster. They also start to pass rope-like white colored fecal matter, and worms are seen to come out of anus. This condition is cured simply by replacing the water with good cleaner water and improving the conditions.

Discus fish are very affected by stress. Some Aquarians tend to have the Plecostomus and other algae eating varieties of fish in the tanks along with the discus fish. These tend to attack the discus fish and damage their outer skin by sucking on them. This causes great stress for the discus fish. The treatment is to remove the attacking variety of fish from the tank.

A few discus fish diseases are caused by worms. All types of worm food are imported from different water sources or waterways. Since these sources are always polluted the worm foods are infected and carry parasites which in turn affect the discus fish.

The infection causes ‘hole in the head’ disease which is treated with drugs. The problem is giving the drugs to the discus fish. They have to be mixed with frozen food and then administered. For de-worming of the discus also, the same method can be followed. Metronidazole a drug easily available is used for treating the above conditions.

There are a number of other abnormal conditions or diseases like Gill flukes, not eating food (Off-food), Pop eye, erratic swimming (Swim bladder problems), Split fins, Clamped fins, and Sluggish fins, that can afflict the discus fish. The discus fish can also develop Bacterial lesions and Fin Rot which are only rare conditions. It is advisable to give frozen food that is always clean and hygienic than live food, which is always bound to be unclean and parasite infected.

The treatment for all of the above is to mainly see that the water in the tank is always clean and clear and the right temperature is maintained. Discus fish are very sensitive. They have to be taken care of in healthy manner to be healthy, beautiful show pieces in the home aquarium.

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