Fat required as source of energi. Existence of fat have important role also for growth and continuity of life, especially some sour type [of] fat very is having an in with [of] life of prawn. Sour [of] fat also function to dissolve vitamin. Sour composition [of] fat exist in prawn very hand in glove its [relation/link] with fat which implied in given food. One fat gram can yield 9 kkal per gram while protein and carbohydrate only yielding 4 kkal per gram. Special to territorial water organism, fat play a part in to minimize beratjenis, so that organism can float [in] water.

Some researcher report that given food fat rate and source have real influence to body fat rate. According to Sick and of Andrews ( 1973), given [by] prawn [is] food without fat have body fat rate 4,93 % from dry weight. While [at] food which is the each given [by] fat coming from 10 % ox fat, 10 % corn oil and 10 % linseed, causing each prawn body fat rate become 7,27 %, 7,82 % and 8,58 %. Matter this means required [by] certain fat acid in given food.

Fat acid have important role [do] not only as source of energi, but also as Iihat vitamin which [is] esensial for the prawn of ( Teshima and of Yone, 1978). From some result of research have been proved that prawn have unique requirement to and sterol of fosfolipida different with other territorial water organism and mammal. [At] other animal, sterol earn disintesis of acetate, while [at] prawn cannot sintesis. Cholesterol represent Iihat vitamin which [is] esensial to growth and life of prawn, because this Iihat vitamin can be turned into hormone of seks hormone and change husk [is] and also used as [by] fundamental element [of] hypodermic. optimal Cholesterol rate for the larva of and of juvenil [is] [about/around] 0,5 % ( Et al Kanazawa., 1971). Prawn can alter C28 and of C29 sterols become cholesterol ( Teshima, 1971).

Fat acid of linoleat, and linolenat of arakidonat represent fat acid of esensial very important for growth and continuity of prawn life. Prawn less efficient in altering acid of linoleat acid and of linolenat become fat acid is not saturated larger ones ( Poly acid fatty unsdturated Higher) and comparison of fat acid found on prawn of substadium PL 1 and PL 2 [is] 16 : 0,18 : 1,20 : 4 and 22 6. Fat acid 22 : 6 mounting manifestly from egg until PL 1 and PL 2, this matter [is] enabled [by] because its acidulous food [of] fat.

Deshimaru et al. ( 1979), please express that comparison of acid of linoleat and of linolenat more important than the fat acid contents [by] xself. [Is] hereinafter expressed that [gift/ giving] of fat 6 % in pakan with comparison of sour content [of] linoleat 10 - 20 % and is sour [of] linolenat 20 - 30 % giving growth of good enough prawn. Comparison of fat acid in the pakan got by mixing fish liver oil of pollack soy oil and range from 3 : 1 and 1 1. Fat coming from animal go out to sea good generally as source of acid of linoleat ( Kanazawa et, al., 1979). While vegetation oil represent the source of acid of linolenat.

Fosfolipida represent sour ester [of] and fat of gliserol having phosphate ion. Oil and bulk containing many fosfolipida like sefalin which many there are in soybean oil. Other Fosfolipida [is] lechitin having part of dissolve in water. Et al Kanazawa. ( 1979) have checked influence some fat faction of oil of tapes in prawn food in the reality can give better growth to Penaeus japonicus juvenil, while [gift/ giving] 1 % sefalin in prawn food can give better growth although [do] not as good as better lechitin but in comparison with without [gift/ giving] of fosfolipida [is] at source :
Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

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