FISH chef pearl

FISH chef pearl is a type of carp that have a rounded body with small head and tail width. These fish originated from mainland China, but in Indonesia had long can be cultivated. This fish marketing in the country besides also a type of fish exported and the price is quite high.

To pembiakan, the election must be really good parent. A good parent to be breeded + 8 months old, with a minimum size of duck eggs. Also select a small-headed parent with a round body, scales intact and arranged neatly. If the fish are moving, the tail and fins will look straight. And to get that colored offspring, then the candidate that will be cultivated in a solid color. Use a white male and female, black or moss green or vice versa.
We recommend that prior to spawning, we must first select the male and female. For male-female differences: Males Parent; a. There are small spots on pectoral fins protruding round and if touched feels rough. b. Parent who has matured if massaged slowly toward the genital hole will come out white liquid
Parent Females; a. In the pectoral fins are small spots and feels soft if touched. b. If sorted out clear yellow liquid. At the parent who has matured, stomach feels mushy and genital kemerahmerahan hole.
Furthermore, prior to spawning sebaiknnya after cleaning tanks / aquariums. When the net was filled with water that has been precipitated + 24 hours, then place the water hyacinth to attach their eggs. Then choose the parent that has been cooked eggs, put into a bath in the afternoon. When performed with careful selection of the parent, usually the next day the eggs are attached to the roots of water hyacinth. Because eggs do not need to be incubated, the parent can be immediately transferred to storage ponds parent, to wait until the next spawning. If treatment is good, then 3 4 weeks and then the parent has to be cultivated again.
After 2 3 days the eggs will hatch, until the age of 2 ~ 3 days the seeds have not been fed, because they still have a supply of food on sacnya yolk (egg yolk). On day 3 4 seed has to be given food that has been filtered water fleas. After a 15-day-old + seed started to try given the hair worms are still given a tick next to the water, until the seeds are able to eat the whole hair worms, water fleas stopped granting new.
For eggs that hatched in the aquarium it should be after the seed age + 1 week moved into the tub / pool wider. The height of water in the tub 10 15 cm with a change of water 5 7 days. Any change of water use water that has been deposited earlier. To avoid the sun is too hot required some form of water hyacinth plant protector.
Further enlargement of fish is done after the seedlings older than 1 month to master. Type of pearl chef requires a lot of sunlight, to the water hyacinth plant can be reduced or dihilangi. For the first phase of enlargement can be stocked + 1,000 fish in a tank measuring 1.5 x 2 m. Then thinning can be done every 2 weeks with a divided by 2.
Also to note is that running water can be made 3 5 days, also with water that has been deposited. So is the food provided in the form of hair worms. Food is given in the morning in adlibitum (to taste). If on the afternoon of food still left over, soon removed / cleaned.
After a 4-month-old fish is already a prospective parent. For males and females were immediately separated until the age of 8 months who had been ready to be cultivated. For the parent fish should be given food that is in the form of mosquito larvae (choke). Parent pair can produce 2000 eggs s / d 3000 points for one spawning.

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