Fish eel (Anguilla bicolor), including family Anguillidae, Apodes orders. In Indonesia is estimated there are at least 5 (five) types of fish discharge, namely: Anguilla encentralis, A. bicolor bicolor, A. borneonsis, A. Bicolor Pacifica, and A. celebensis.

Eel fish grown in freshwater (rivers and lakes) until it reaches adulthood, after which the adult eel fish stocks into the deep ocean to reproduce. Larvae of the spawning will grow, and gradually drifted into coastal waters. Fish discharge that has reached the stage of elver (glass eel) will be stocks of marine waters into fresh waters through a river estuary.
Ruaya anadromus larval eel (elver) associated with the seasons. Fish larvae ruaya estimated discharge is initiated at the beginning of the rainy season, but at that season river flow factors and circumstances greatly affect the intensity ruayanya month.
Fish discharge including carnivorous fish. In general water discharge fish eat different kinds of animals, especially benthic organisms such as crustaceans (shrimp and crab), polichatea (worms, larvae of Chironomus and bivalva and gastropods). Fish feeding activity discharge is usually at night (nocturnal).
Fish discharge has been cultivated intensively in Europe, especially in Norway, Germany and the Netherlands and Asia, namely: Japan, Taiwan and mainland China. In other countries such as Australia, Indonesia and several European countries and West African fish production general discharge is still relying on the results of the arrest in nature .. Eel fish can be cultured in the room is closed (indoor) and outdoor (outdoor). In Indonesia, the environmental temperature is relatively constant throughout the year, the maintenance of fish discharge is to be done outside the room (out door).
Practically Fish discharge is to be cultivated in ponds of land-walled bamboo, concrete ponds (concrete tanks), pens and floating cages pharynx. Whatever type of container used in fish farming that hamus discharge considered is how to prevent the escape of fish from culture media.

a. Temperature. On the maintenance of local eel fish seed, A. bicolor bicolor, the best temperature to spur growth is 29 ° C.
b. Salinity. On the maintenance of local eel fish.,, A. bicolor bicolor (elver), salinity which can provide good growth was 6-7 ppt.
c. Dissolved Oxygen. Minimum oxygen content that can be tolerated by fish eel ranges from 0.5 to 2.5 ppm.
d. pH. optimal pH for growth of eel fish is 7-8.
e. Ammonia (N H3-N) and Nitrite (NO2-N) At a concentration of 20 ppm ammonia discharge is maintained partly Fish experienced methemoglobinemie and the concentration of 30-40 ppm the fish discharge is experiencing methemoglobinemie.

3. NEEDS nutrients
As with other fish species, fish discharge is needed nutrients in the form of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Optimal feed protein content is 45% to bestir fish (juvenile) and about 50% for small fish (fingerlings).

a. Cage. One unit of floating net has four pools 7 x 7 m, with mesh size of 7 x 7 x 2.5 m and 2.5-inch mesh. To avoid the escape of fish, swimming around the top edge of the lid of hapa a width of 60 cm.

b. Fish Seed discharge. Fish Seed eel (Anguilla bicolor) weighing 15-20 grams per fish with a length of 20-30 cm .. Fish Seed Pelabuhan Ratu discharge is obtained from the catch of fishermen in open water.
c. Solid Spreading. Each pond stocked 100 kg of fish seed discharge.
d. Feed. Food that is given is artificial feed-shaped pasta with content: ■ 47.93% Protein ■ 10.03% Fat ■ Seratkasar 8.00% ■ BETN 8.32% ■ Ash 25.71%

Feed given as much as 3% of the total weight of fish feed Convention of 1.96. With the convention rate will be obtained perturnbuhan `average 1.46% with a mortality of 9.64%.

e. Maintenance and Harvest Period. Fish pond discharge on floating net cages for 7-8 months, and lifetime. gradually harvest can begin in 4-month maintenance period.
Fish size discharge is that, harvested can - achieve sizes. consumption of 180-200 grams per fish. Maintenance of fish in pond discharge is floating net cages is one of the alternatives in order to diversify the pool cage fish farming in floating net. But the application still needs to consider the condition and quality of public water that is used.
source: "West Java Provincial Fisheries offices, 2008

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