by: T Yuniarti, Sofi Hanif, Teguh Prayoga, Suroso 


 In order to meet the needs of female parent as a pair of male parental YY, then needed a technology to produce single-parent female tilapia. The first stage should be done is the production of male parental XX. XX male population when mated with females (XX) will be obtained by a single lineage of female sex (monosex).
In 2006, the steps being taken in the production of tilapia female parent is a descendant of the parent test phases of functional male (XX). This activity aims to get the XX male parental verification results.
The result of this activity showed that of 38 male tail fungsinonal (XX), was only produced 2 male tail XX. This can be seen from the percentage of female offspring> 95% only 2 tails of the parent with the code and 460966737A 460041352B.

 Background In the tilapia fish farming nowadays many developed various technologies in order improving the quality of the parent fish tilapia. This is due to at present has a lot of quality decline parent tilapia. Therefore, the parent needs quality is desirable in order to obtain seed quality.
In general female population who produced naturally limited (1 female: 2 male), while the female parent needs in one package more than males (3 females: 1 male), then needed a technology to produce single population of female sex. In order to to produce female population as parent couples tilapia agile, then do engineering technology to obtain the male parent XX functional.
Male parent in a functional Genetically have XX chromosomes, if mated with normal females (XX), it will obtain all the female offspring. With Thus efforts to meeting the needs of the parent females will be faster.
Stages of the first to do is to create a functional male parent is the parent males have XX chromosomes. Manufacture functional male parent can be done with feeding containing hormones 17α methyltestosteron during sex differentiation in tilapia. When sex differentiation in fish indigo occurs when the larvae aged 6-7 days after hatch until about the age of 27-28 days after hatch. Furthermore, larval sex reversal results maintained until the parent to be done verification. Verification to get the parent XX male offspring was carried out with test (Progeny test).
Goals and Targets
The purpose of this activity is to: 1. Male parent produces functional XX 2. Testing the male population, its functional chromosome containing the male parent by way of ancestry test.

Time and Place This activity was conducted in January- December 2006 in the Central Development Sukabumi Freshwater Aquaculture
Materials and Equipment Material Materials used in these activities is as follows: 1. Functional male parent (XX) of 39 tail 2. Tail 108 of the female parent 3. Main feed 4. Forage seed 5. Larvae feed 6. Dye eosin / asetokarmin 7. Methylene blue
Tool While the tools used in activities These are as follows: 1. Bath spawning size 2 x 1 m of 13buah 2. Aquarium hatchery eggs 3. Hapa green 2 x 2 x 1 m to place nursery PI 4. Black hapa 2 x 2 x 1 m to place nursery PI 5. Fishing tools (scoopnet, buckets, lambit, jolang etc.) 6. Tools hatching eggs (filter, water heater, airstone and others) 7. Microchip and detector reader 8. Surgical instruments (scissors, tweezers, knives) 9. Microscope with its equipment

Method The method used in this activity is by seed descent test results spawning between functional males (XX) with normal female (XX).

Work procedures Stages of the activities carried out are as follows: Parent maturation - Parent JICA allegedly XX males and normal females matured in a separate tub - Maturation carried out for 2 weeks - During maturation, conducted feeding with a dose of 3% / weight of biomass per day Spawning - Spawning can be done like the size of 2x1m - Spawning is done by comparison male and female 1: 3 - During the spawning done feeding 3 times a day with a dose of 5% weight biomass - Eggs are harvested, hatched at the aquarium, whereas larvae reared in ponds, tanks or hapa in the pond as a place of maintenance Hatching Egg - Eggs that have been harvested in tetaskan in aquarium - Aquarium hatcheries are equipped with water heater to maintain the optimum temperature of 28-30 ° C. - Place of hatching eggs using filter with the number of eggs per sieve maximum 2000 grain - Media hatcheries in methylene blue berries to prevent fungal Separating - Spread the larvae into the hapa with solid stocking 200 ekor/m2. Stocking density of seed for separating II is 100 ekor/m2. - Provide feed for separating I and II each dose of 20%, 10% weight biomass per day with a frequency of three times. - After the seed reaches the size of 5-8 cm, gonadal examination in microscopic

Observation of gonads
Intake of Fish Samples Gonad Network a. Killing fish sample by surgical needle in the head on brain b. Dissecting fish samples using scissors surgeons from the anus to the vertebrae-kepaladada. c. Taking samples of fish gonad in lower vertebrae using tweezers / tongs d. Leaving the gonadal tissue on a glass object e. Chopping gonadal tissue using scalpel Staining and Observation Network Gonads a. Shed a single drop of aceto-carmine solution in of gonadal tissue count b. Leaving the process of gonadal tissue staining about 1 minute c. Closing the gonad tissue staining results with glass cover d. Observing the results of staining under the microscope with magnification 100 times.

Activities of production techniques female tilapia conducted in 2006 was the test phase descendants (progeny test) results of the parent tilapia sex reversal. Parent functional male tilapia (XX) obtained with the hormone 17α Methyltestosteron during sex differentiation.
The process of formation of the parent male tilapia functional (XX) has been carried out in Jambi on BBAT JICA tilapia strains. Subsequently in 2005, the parent is brought into BBPBAT Sukabumi tails of 39 offspring to be tested. Progeny tests carried out by mating one by one parent functional male tilapia (XX) with 3 normal females. From 39 tail stem progeny tests performed, only 38 tail that can be produce offspring. Descendants of 38 tails XX male parent then maintained until the size 5-8 cm and then were examined gonad. Data gonad observations of seed XX male offspring allegedly expressed in
Table 1. From Table 1 can be seen that from 38 tail male sex reversal results, it was only yield 2 XX male tail. This can seen from the percentage of female offspring> 95% only there are 2 tail of the parent with the code and 460041352B 460966737A.
Discussion Activities of production techniques female tilapia aims to produce female parent mass in order to meet the needs of the parent female tilapia. In tilapia fish spawning, usually using the standard ratio of male: female is 1: 3, whereas the normal spawning, sex ratio male: female of about 60: 40. This causes needs more than the female parent male. The first stage should be done in order to producing single-parent female tilapia is to manufacture functional males (which containing chromosomes XX). Furthermore, if 've got XX male parent in the number of many, then the next stage is to wed XX male with the female. From the results marriage, the offspring will be obtained single female (female monoseks).
Of 38 breeding male sex reversal results, turned out to yield 2 breeding XX male. The test results of male offspring results indicate that the level of sex reversal the success of sex reversal is still very low. The possibility of this is caused by several factors that is not appropriate at the time of the hormone. The success rate is highly dependent sex reversal of the effectiveness of hormone 17αMethyltestosteron. There are several factors that can influence the effectiveness of this hormone, including: the type of hormones, hormone dosage, time of sex differentiation, the method of administration hormones and temperature.

Conclusion The conclusion of this activity is that of 38 suspected male tilapia breeding XX only yield 2 XX male tail.
Suggestion The result of this activity can be recommended for XX male tilapia reproduce parent, because XX number of existing male parent only 2 tails.
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