tips buy discus fish - knowledge about good quality discus

Discus Fish as the king of freshwater fish attract many akuaris and lay people to maintain it. Besides the shape, color, and pattern of interest, the price is mahalpun become one of the attractions to maintain it. But keep mainly to select candidates for good seed is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand.To get a good discus would have to get a good seed. Therefore, a hobies especially beginners should be keen in selecting fish. The biggest difficulty faced by beginners is the lack of knowledge about a good disc quality. Many types of disc, especially the different names for one type of disc involved a beginner is getting confused.

Here are tips for selecting a good discus
 1. Skin colors are bright, not webbed or excessive mucus. Skin color is shiny / black disc indicates an unhealthy condition. Vertical black lines / stress bar is very conspicuous / disc firmly indicates that heavy stress conditions. The number of lines varies according to the variant of fish. Usually amounted to between 7-18 bar. Stress bar does not determine whether or not a disc pain, but as a result of shock parameters Discus conditions, or environmental conditions are not suitable for Discus. Many types of disc that show her stress-bar clearly.
2. Scales on a fish net and no peeling, no white spots and slimy too much. Fin fish should look clean and complete. Fins are torn, damaged, moldy indicating unhealthy fish. Usually the fins are often attacked by fin rot. Fins are not disabled and balanced will make a round shape and lovely disc.
3. Eye color of the cornea, not webbed or white spots. Eyeball that is not too flashy out like a radial tire. So-called pop-eye eye caused by bad water conditions, and fish infected with intestinal bacteria. The size of the eye that is too large to small fish indicates that fish stunted or so-called bantet / kontet. In addition, a black eye can be caused by internal diseases and prolonged exposure to contamination of drugs in long term
4. Discus fish body shape ideal, not skinny-looking than the thickness of the brow / forehead disc. Discus are not physically disabled, usually visible from the front / face which left and right sides look the same. Mouth or other body parts there is nothing more to the left / right.
5. Regular rhythmic breathing mode, where both gills open and close together, without greater membukaya or breathe only with one gill. Usually one fish that breathes with gills infected by Gill Fluke Dactylogyrus or gill lice. Average gill cover gill cover, not short and do not gape open. It should also be noted snagat breath quickly, which can be caused by lack of oxygen Naum in the long term will damage gill function
6. A healthy Discus generally not afraid of humans who view it. Discus are usually good and healthy soon approaching quickly, expecting to be fed. In addition, a healthy disc is generally not alone, but in mingling with his friends.
7. Discus generally healthy, calm swimming style, no hiccups. Discus who likes to rub his body parts to tools or objects around it, generally attacked by parasites. This is probably due to the itching caused by flea bites, or fungal / bacteria on the skin or gills. A healthy Discus generally swim in peace, tie / pectoral fin - fin front lower abdomen revealed that they looked fine during a swim.
8. Do not be easily fooled by color. Glowing red color on the eye and the colors are striking, especially in small Discus & teens (between 2-3 inches), is not guaranteed to get a good disc. At present there are some people who use hormones to force the release of colors of fish, which aims to facilitate the sale and enhance fish attraction. This color will not last long (about 2 weeks - 1 month). Use of hormones can lead to spawning failure or chicks produced few and usually unhealthy.
9. motive or pattern the fish will usually arise from 2 inches to the top and gradually. Be careful if you buy a disc that was out of batik since the small size, because of the possibility of giving the hormone to release it to make it look beautiful batik. It is natural batik out only half or less on the size of 2 inches, but sometimes low quality disc resulted batiknya not come out perfectly up to a full one body.
10. Try to buy fish at least 2 inches size, because at this size characteristics of healthy and good fish can be seen compared to a smaller size. Avoid to buy seed, although the price is cheap, especially if you are a beginner. Do not be tempted to profit by keeping the seed is not easy.

In addition to the above tips, which must be accepted by the beginner is a physical defect such as large eyes next, fin growth is not perfect, prominent forehead, pointed head, etc.. Then the important thing is to do an adaptation slowly after arriving home and do the quarantine at any fish purchased.

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