ANALYSIS FOOD PRAWN. protein analysis.

Analysis Protein
a. Quantitative Analysis

- Way of Kjeldahl.
Way of this used to analyse harsh protein rate in food-stuff indirectly, that is multiplying result of analysis with number convert 6,25 will be obtained [by] protein value in food-stuff. Number 6,25 coming from serum conversion of albumin which usually contain 16 % nitrogen. Principal [is] way of analysis of Kjeldahl shall be as follows: originally materials of dektrusi with condensed sulphate acid use oksikhlorida selenium katalis or item of Zn. Amonia [is] that happened accomodated and titration constructively indicator. Way of Kjeldahl generally can be differentiated to the two way of that is way of macro and macro half. Way of is macro [of] Kjeldahl used for example [of] which is difficult [of] dihomogenisasi and is big [of] example [of] 1 - 3 gr, while flourishing is macro [of] Kjeldahl designed for pocket edition example [of] that is less than 300 mg of homogeneous materials. Way of the analysis will prosper with nitrogen assumption in the form of tying of N - N and of N - O in sampel [do] not there are big in number.

- Way of Dumas.
Principal [is] way of this [is] example [of] food-stuff burned in CO2 atmosfir, and in environment having cuprioksida. All carbon atom and hydrogen will be turned into CO2 and aqueous vapour, all gas poured into in condensation of Naoh and [done/conducted] [by] draining of gas. All imbibition gas except nitrogen gas, this gas [is] later;then analysed and measured.

Analysis Qualitative.
Analyse this can be [done/conducted] by biologis and also chemistry.

- Way of biologis :
[Done/Conducted] by using attempt animal. Some examination which is [is] ordinary to be done by using way of that is
- PER ( Protein of Efficiency Ratio
- NPU ( Net Protein of Utilization
- N Dp Cal ( Net Dietary Protein of Calories

- Assess Biologis :
Assess biologis represent nitrogen faction amount or price which come into body and exploited in course of growth.

Energy Digest :
Energy digest [is] the amount of nitrogen faction of food-stuff able to be permeated for the growth of.

Balance Nitrogen : [Is] a[n analysis which [is] often [done/conducted] to know nitrogen balance which enter and secretory nitrogen of body.
Sour Score [of] Amino ( Amino Acid Score ) : Quality of protein can be measured by determining the amount of acid of amino constrictor and comparing [him/ it] with acid of amino of a kind. Some ways which can be [done/conducted] [by] that is
- Way of column kromatografi
- Way Of HPLC ( High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Way Of Mikrobiologis
- Way Of Spektrofotometrik
- Way of Kromatografi transfer of ion
- Way of Kromatografi gas-cairan
- Way of flimsy Kromatografi coat ( TLC)

Source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

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