ANALYSIS FOOD PRAWN. Analysis Carbohydrate

There are some aspect able to be used for the analysis of prawn food, that is : Chemically, Physics and Biology.


1. Analysis Carbohydrate. Analysis Carbohydrate can be [done/conducted] qualitative and is quantitative, that is pursuant to nature of specific chemical reaction and sakarida.

Analysis Qualitative. Carbohydrate if/when reacted with condensation of naftol in alcohol, [is] later;then enhanced [by] condensed H2So4 neglectlessly, [at] its dilution boundary will be formed [by] purple berwama furfural. This reaction [is] recognized with reaction of Molisch representing reaction of public of carbohydrate. Other some ways for the analysis of carbohydrate [is] by is assorted [of] examination, like :

- Test of Antron.
0,2 condensation ml follow the example of in tube reaction of enhanced [by] condensation of antron ( 0,2 % in condensed H2So4). Incidence [of] rather blue green or green colour designate the existence of carbohydrate in example [of] condensation. this [is] Test very sensitive so that can give positive result if [done/conducted] [at] paper filter pregnant [of] cellulose. This test [is] developed for quantitative test by colorimetric to glkogen, sugar and inulin in blood :

- Test of Bartoed.
Its it[him] consist of Cupri acetate acid and acetate. Into 5 pereaksi ml in tube reaction of enhanced 1 ml follow the example of later;then save reaction placed in water boil during 1 rose colored Sediment minute [of] orange show the existence of monosakharida in example [of]

- Benedict.
Its it[him] consist of Cuprisulfat, sitrat natrium and of natrium carbonate. Into 5 ml reaction of in tube reaction of enhanced 8 example [of] condensation drip, later;then save reaction placed in water boil during 5 minute. Incidence [of] sediment of wama green turn yellow or squeeze orange show the existence of sugar reduce in example [of].

- test of Lodium.
Condensation example [of] acidified with HCL. [Is] meanwhile made [by] condensation of lodium in condensation of KI. Condensation follow the example of counted 1 drip enhanced into condensation of lodium. Incidence [of] blue colour show the existence of extract in example [of]. while red wama show the existence of or glikogen of eritrodekstrin

- Test Seliwanoff.
Its [is] it made [by] before test started, by liquefying 3,5 resorsinol ml 0,5 % by 12 condensed HCL ml, [is] later;then thinned. Become 35 ml with water refine test, [done/conducted] by enhancing 1 condensation ml follow the example of into 5 ml. [Is] later;then placed in water boil during 10 minute. Ruddle cherry show the existence of fruktosa in example [of].

- Test of Tauber.
Two of example [of] condensation drip, enhanced into 1 condensation ml of benzidina, heating and made cool in short order. Incidence [of] purple show the existence of pentosa in example [of]

Quantitative Analysis.
This Analysis use polarimeter, that is by including sugar condensation into certain polariscope tube [of] length, [is] later;then seen [by] its rotation angle;corner. This matter [is] [done/conducted] [by] because carbohydrate have the nature of can turn around polarization light area to right (+) and to is left (-) and each;every sugar have specific rotation angle;corner which different each other. For example sukrosa + 66,6 % and glucose + 90 %. Nature of used this for quantitative analysis.rotation which different each other. For example sukrosa + 66,6 % and glucose + 90 %. Nature of used this for quantitative analysis.

Source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

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