HOW feeding shrimp

HOW feeding shrimp

Terms of the absolute to fulfill the feeding is a good evenly, in the sense that can be cultivated so that one individual shrimp feed to obtain the same with other individuals, so that expected by feeding evenly, growth will be uniform. With natural selection, in line with the length of time maintenance, shrimp, the weak will experience death and shrimp that have a resistance standard will be able to "death to all infidels' and grow well.

How the feed is evenly can avoid the occurrence of competition in the food. If the competition can be avoided, then the nature of cannibalism will be more manageable. Competitive conditions and cannibalism will be more sharply and the size of shrimp when glaring vary. Shrimp have a great ability and the size of the mouth larger than shrimp, prawn, so get more food and grow more rapidly, the shrimp grow increasingly hampered due to get less feed.

source: Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru
Dra. Suzy Anna

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