Determination of Water

Determination of Water
In general, the determination of the water is done with the sap of the oven temperature at 105 - 110 ° C for 3 hours or until a constant weight was obtained. Difference in weight before and after drying is the number of water evaporated. For material that is not heat-resistant heating is done in vacuum oven with a temperature lower. Sometimes the drying is done without heating, the material included in the eksikator with H4 SO2 dense as the dryer to achieve a constant weight.

Determination of water content of the material that their water content and contain the compound easily evaporate (volatile) destilasi use with a specific solvent such as toluen xylol and the BD-Heptara it is lower than the water.

Example (sample) tube inserted in the ball (flask) and then heated. Solvent and water vapor, and diembunkan fall on the tube aufhauser scale. Water that has BD greater in the bottom, so that the amount of evaporated water that can be seen on the scale aufhauser the tube.

For materials with high sugar content can be measured by using refraktometer. In addition to the physical way, there are also ways to determine the chemical water. Nail me to measure the water asetilen based on the volume of gas produced from the reaction of calcium Carbide with materials that will be examined.
source :

Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru

Dra. Suzy Anna

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