analysis of fat in the shrimp feed

Fat Analysis.
Some chemical test has been conducted to identify the fat, namely with some of the test well with the way:

a. Numbers Reichert Meisel (BRM.
BRM 0.1 N is the number of basa, which is required every five grams of fat to neutralize acids, which easily vaporize fat in the destilasi, namely acid fat C4 and C6 (Butirat and kaproat).

b. Numbers Polenske
This number determines the rate of fatty acid that volatil but not soluble in water, the fatty acid C8 to C14. Procedures, such as in the example below:

c. Kirschner New Numbers (New Kirshner Value = NKV)
BKB (NKV) adalahjumlah basa 0.1 ml of N, which is required every five grams of fat / oil fatty acid to neutralize the salt-volatil salt peraknya lamt mixture of ethanol in the water.

d. Numbers Penyabunan (BP)
BP adalahjumlah mg KOH needed to menyabunkan 1 gram of fat. To counteract 1 Molecular gliserida required 3 molecular alkali.

e. Numbers Hehner
Hehner number used to determine the amount of fatty acid that is not soluble in water. Fat with the BM will have a high number of low Hehner.

f. Numbers lodin
Lodin the number of grams of iodine is absorbed by the 100 grams of fat. I2 will mengadisi ties duplex is not saturated fatty acid-free and in the form of esters. The number depends on lodin the amount of fatty acid is not saturated in fat. Fat reconstitution in Khioroform (C Cl4) and then added iodine solution (0,1 - 0,5 g). The remaining iodine, which does not react dititrasi with tiosulfat.
I2 + 2NaS203 ----> 2Na I + Na Q4 O6

source : Ir. Sri Umiyati Sumeru

Dra. Suzy Anna

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